So far we have MO drivers licences and are registered to vote. That was the shortest time I have spent at a DMV ever. We were there for a total of 10 minutes and it only cost us $40. Today I am going to title the cars (we had to wait to get them inspected) but before I do that I have to go to a different office and prove I did not have to pay property tax on them in the state of MO for last year, that is what I get for having an awesome time at the DMV earlier :(
Wednesday was my 25th birthday. Hello mid twenties. I remember when I thought 25 was so old, I don't feel old. It is funny how perceptions of age change. I received my birthday present from my husband about 3 months ago (a coach diaper bag) but we celebrated with dinner at the Boathouse in Forest Park. We sat outside and watched the sun set. It was a nice evening even if it was a little hot. James bought me a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing, it was amazing ;) I treated myself to the new Jeaniene Frost book, Once Burned. Which was awesome of her to release for my birthday :). This book is a spin off of her very popular Night Huntress series and I was not disappointed. You can find it here if you are interested in finding out more it is on Amazon or on Jeaniene Frost's website . Charlaine Harris recommended it on the Today show earlier this week as well. Check it out she has published a part of the book on her website and you can find out more about all of her other books.

I have been having weird dreams lately. But the weirdest one was where I was married to a sock puppet (you know that monkey looking one that is everywhere) and I gave birth to a sock puppet baby. I think the problem is that my husband often says horrible things right before I go to bed. Example: Last night he asked what we would do if our daughter did not have earlobes. I was like WHAT! he does this just to torture me
My dog does not know how to be a dog. We bought a house with a nice back yard and a fence just for him (you would think he would be a little more appreciative) and he does not know how to use it. So I have to walk him on a leash in the fenced back yard so that he knows how to go to the bathroom out there. Weirdest part is that he has no problem in the back yard at my parents house. Also, our deck gets really hot and we found it burns his feet (really horrible screaming one day followed by me saving him, burning my own feet and then placing cold compresses on his feet for 10 minutes) so I have to carry him outside to the yard. Yes, I know he is spoiled but what can I do?
We have been watching the Olympic Trials in our house and my husband makes the best comments. Here are some examples:
- Floor routines would be so much better if they had light sabers.
- Oh look at all the fishies! (watching butterfly race)
- Hey the flying squirrel monkey is on now! (whenever Gabby Douglas had a routine)
He wont be too happy I posted those. I do have to give him credit. He took me to see Magic Mike on Saturday. Yes, he is a good husband :)
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