Some families have that "surprise" baby and she was ours. Always a surprise never a mistake as my mother made sure we knew growing up. But as I was thinking today I realized she was not a surprise she was a gift.
God blessed our family with a wonderful growing gift in the form of Melissa Marie. Or Lissa Ree if you are part of the family. Now every child is a gift from God but Melissa is one of those rays of sunlight that brightens every room. She is a genuinely giving and loving person and I don't know how our family would exist with out her. She completed our family and made us whole.
It has been wonderful to see her grow into an amazing young lady and cant wait to see where life will take her. Melissa is a wonderful example of Gods plan. He knew we needed her and I am so glad.
I love you Melissa and I feel so privileged to have you in my life.
This post brought tears to my eyes. I cannot agree with you more - she is a gift to the whole extended family as well! Love and kisses to both of you.