Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trash Day!

The garbage man comes on Wednesdays. That is today. This is very important to know and remember because he only comes one time a week.

As I was changing Emily I hear the truck and realize it was Wednesday. Normally I check to make sure James put out the cans before bed but I forgot. I was sure he forgot too because he got home really late last night and had to go in early today.

So, I quickly put a half dressed Emily in her crib. I run to the stairs. I can see the truck is at the neighbors house through the window. I race down the stairs and jump the last few. I felt like I was flying. I can totally see why teenage boys and my husband do this all the time. I run around to the garage. I jump those stairs and open the garage at the same time. I slide around the car and .....

See that the garbage cans are not there! Yay! go Daddy!

I calmly walk back in the house and up the stairs feeling like a hero. Parents 1, Universe 0

Some of you may be wondering what the big deal is. Those of you have not had a 12 week old. There is no way that we could handle having 2 weeks of diapers in our garage. It would have to be condemned. The smell would probably waft up to the top floor and kill us in our sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You have captured EXACTLY what moms go through for an ordinary task! Once there's a baby - there is no such thing as ORDINARY!
