The garbage man comes on Wednesdays. That is today. This is very important to know and remember because he only comes one time a week.
As I was changing Emily I hear the truck and realize it was Wednesday. Normally I check to make sure James put out the cans before bed but I forgot. I was sure he forgot too because he got home really late last night and had to go in early today.
So, I quickly put a half dressed Emily in her crib. I run to the stairs. I can see the truck is at the neighbors house through the window. I race down the stairs and jump the last few. I felt like I was flying. I can totally see why teenage boys and my husband do this all the time. I run around to the garage. I jump those stairs and open the garage at the same time. I slide around the car and .....
See that the garbage cans are not there! Yay! go Daddy!
I calmly walk back in the house and up the stairs feeling like a hero. Parents 1, Universe 0
Some of you may be wondering what the big deal is. Those of you have not had a 12 week old. There is no way that we could handle having 2 weeks of diapers in our garage. It would have to be condemned. The smell would probably waft up to the top floor and kill us in our sleep.
Love it! You have captured EXACTLY what moms go through for an ordinary task! Once there's a baby - there is no such thing as ORDINARY!