Emily is now at the age where she will give kisses and hugs. It is so amazing but also a mess.
She grabs the sides of your face and pulls it in for a kiss. She has yet to master kissing so this is an open mouth attack. It also usually involves some licking. Afterwards you feel like you need a shower but we love it.
She also does one arm hugs. With her head snuggled into your neck and her arm wrapped around squeezing tight. She usually starts choking me while doing it. This usually happens when she is tired because she does not sit still long enough any other time.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Emily is growing hair!
It is taking a while so right now she only has 1in long fuzz. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
I just constantly rub her head. If I am holding her I am rubbing my cheek on it. It feels so great.
Another plus. It holds baby shampoo smell. Baby shampoo is one of the best smells in the world. It is right up there with new car and puppy breath. I could just sit and sniff her head all day but she would probably not be that happy about it :)
She still has the the habit of rubbing her head back and forth when laying on her back. I think she will end up with a bald spot on the back for a majority of her childhood. Oh well. I think she can pull it off.
It is taking a while so right now she only has 1in long fuzz. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
I just constantly rub her head. If I am holding her I am rubbing my cheek on it. It feels so great.
Another plus. It holds baby shampoo smell. Baby shampoo is one of the best smells in the world. It is right up there with new car and puppy breath. I could just sit and sniff her head all day but she would probably not be that happy about it :)
She still has the the habit of rubbing her head back and forth when laying on her back. I think she will end up with a bald spot on the back for a majority of her childhood. Oh well. I think she can pull it off.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Cloth 101!
I did a ton of research and tried several things out before I found what works for me. Here is what I learned for those of you who want to know.
There are many styles of diapers and every style has hundreds of brands and just as many people make and sell homemade versions. Before you can try some styles you need to make one big decision:
Cloth diapers can come in sized versions. Usually Small, Medium, and Large. Or you can go with One Size (OS) diapers. The one size diapers have snaps that make the sizing change. These diapers can be used for 8-35lbs. They say that is birth to potty training. We did not start cloth diapering until Emily was 3.5 months old but we would not have been able to use OS until she was about 3 months. She did not hit 8lbs until 11 weeks and even then she was really skinny so the diapers would have gaped around her legs. They do sell newborn diapers that go up to 12lbs and some of them even have a cut out for the umbilical cord. Though I suggest not using cloth diapers until you are done with the meconium stage.
I decided to go with the one size diapers because I did not want to buy a whole set of diapers at each size. I would rather have the diapers last longer.
I was given a new born size diaper which I never used (because I only had one). This is what it looks like.
Styles of Diapers
There are many styles of diapers and every style has hundreds of brands and just as many people make and sell homemade versions. Before you can try some styles you need to make one big decision:
Cloth diapers can come in sized versions. Usually Small, Medium, and Large. Or you can go with One Size (OS) diapers. The one size diapers have snaps that make the sizing change. These diapers can be used for 8-35lbs. They say that is birth to potty training. We did not start cloth diapering until Emily was 3.5 months old but we would not have been able to use OS until she was about 3 months. She did not hit 8lbs until 11 weeks and even then she was really skinny so the diapers would have gaped around her legs. They do sell newborn diapers that go up to 12lbs and some of them even have a cut out for the umbilical cord. Though I suggest not using cloth diapers until you are done with the meconium stage.
I decided to go with the one size diapers because I did not want to buy a whole set of diapers at each size. I would rather have the diapers last longer.
Bumgenius one size diapers. Aqua-small, green-medium, blue- large |
Bumgenius one size diapers. The snaps come down to make the diaper smaller |
Bumgenius newborn diaper, all one piece |
Bumgenius newborn diaper only comes in velcro closures. |
There are several styles of diapers. I have tried 3 different kinds. Here they are:
The Hybrid diaper
The hybrid diaper can be used several ways. It consists of a waterproof cover which you can put a disposable lining in or a reusable lining. The reusable lining can be a traditional prefold or stay dry microfiber pad.
I bought 2 Flip diaper covers. I bought them as seconds (seconds are when the diaper is not made to the perfect specifications of the company and so they sell them at a discounted rate) and I used them with the microfiber inserts. The benefit of a hybrid is that you only need 3-5 covers (depending on how often you plan to wash) and then just a bunch of whatever you are going to use inside. You do not need to change the cover every time you change a diaper. The cover only needs to be changed if it gets messy. After a few uses. I decided I did not like this style and I sold them on craigslist. I would suggest anyone who is planning on trying a hybrid to go with the econobum hybrid system. This is made by the same company as the flip but is cheaper. It comes with prefolds and does not come in the fun colors but is a much cheaper option for the same diaper.
The pocket diaper
I have 12 sunbaby pocket diapers. Pocket diapers have a waterproof outside and a fleece lining. You then stuff an absorbent layer between, in the "pocket". You can use different kinds of absorbent layers and you can double stuff if needed for heavy wetters or overnight. Sunbaby is a diaper made in china. They have 2 sizes, size 1 for skinny babies and size 2 for chunky babies but they are one size diapers. I paid $60 for 12 diapers and 12 inserts, no shipping cost. That is $5 a diaper which is a good price. Bumgenius also makes a pocket diaper it is their 4.0 but 12 of them cost $203. I was not willing to shell out that much money to try cloth diapering. They do sell these as seconds sometimes and you can find them used. The whole diaper needs to be changed at every diaper change. Once used you pull out the insert and wash. Once dry you re-stuff the diaper.
As you can see in the photo above. there is a little skirt at one end. Under that skirt there is an opening in the fleece layer where you stuff the diaper.
The All in one diaper (AIO)
I have 9 Bumgenius Freetime diapers. These are all one piece and usually run a little more expensive than pocket diapers. I had been successfully cloth diapering during the day for a while before investing in these diapers. My daughter is a heavy wetter and double stuffing my diapers made them to bulky for her. I wanted a diaper that would be good for overnight. I was willing to spend more money per diaper because I knew that I was committed to cloth diapering at this point. A freetime diaper normally runs $19.95 each. I found a lady who had a bunch given to her for her second baby that she did not need. They were brand new and she sold them to me for $12 each. I got 7 from her and then bought 2 with a gift card and coupon from Babies R Us. What I like about these diapers is that they are way more absorbent. They fit her better than the pockets and there is no stuffing needed. You can also put an extra insert in if you need it to make it more absorbent. I never use pockets at night, only my freetimes. I also like putting these in my diaper bag. I am considering buying some more of these because I prefer them and they fit her better. I would then just use my pockets as spare diapers or randomly. One downside to All in one diapers is that they take longer to dry.
Swim diaper
Yes that is right they make re-usable swim diapers. I did not buy a diaper made specifically for swimming. They mostly are one piece and slide up and down like a pull-up. That is really messy if they go to the bathroom. So I did some research. You can use a hybrid cover as a swim diaper but most people say it sticks to baby and can be uncomfortable. I also found out that you can use a pocket diaper with out an insert. I did not want to use my normal everyday diapers because the chlorine will fade the colors and the PUL in the cover will start to get messed up over time. I found someone selling 2 very gently used Happy Heine pockets. I bought them for $10. They also came with inserts that I will use to double.
You have to clean your diapers every 3 days. You can not go longer than 3 days. I wash every 2 but some people wash every day. You need to decide how often you plan to wash because that will tell you how many diapers you need to have.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding all you have to do is take the diaper off the baby (pull out insert if pocket), put diaper in wet bag, then put in washer when time to wash. Breastmilk is 100% water soluble so it will all wash out in the washer.
If you are using formula or solids you need to take any debris off of diaper (pull out insert now), rinse, then put in wet bag.
When time to wash dump wet bag and contents into washer.
I wash one cold cycle with soap. I then check all of my diapers to make sure there is no discoloration. If not I then do one Hot cycle. I air dry my diapers in my dryer. But plan to sun dry when it is not as cold. The Cottonbabies website says to wash cold, then Hot with soap, then extra rinse. But I found I did not like the ammonia smell after one wash and prefer the soap in the first wash.
You can not use soap that has any brighteners which means most of the free and clear detergents are out. You can buy cloth diaper specific detergent but that can be pricey I use ECOS free and clear which you can buy at Walmart. It is rather inexpensive. For normal clothes in a HE machine you use 1 ounce of detergent. For cloth diapers you only have to use 1/8-1/4 of that. Here is a list I found helpful when picking a detergent.
If you happen to get stains or your diapers hold an ammonia smell you can sun dry. After sun drying your diapers all stains will be gone and they will not smell anymore. It is cool how the sun works.
What about the smell?
My wet bag sits open in Emily's bathroom. The door stays open. Because there is no enclosed space you can not smell anything. When I was using disposables I had a diaper pail that said it would not smell. This is false. It smelled horrendous. My cloth do not smell at all.
How many diapers do I need:
This depends on how often you wash and how old your baby is. A newborn can easily go through 12 diapers a day so you should buy 12-18 and I would suggest washing everyday. Older babies you should plan on 8 a day and an overnight solution. So it breaks down to this:
Wash every day- 3 covers and 12-15 inserts/prefolds
Wash every 2 days- 5 covers and 16-20 inserts/prefolds
Wash every 3 days- 7 covers and 24-28 inserts/prefolds
Everyday: 10 diapers, 10 inserts, 2-4 extra inserts/ doublers for overnights
every 2 days: 18 diapers, 18 inserts, 4-8 extra inserts/doublers
every 3 days: 26 diapers, 26 inserts, 8-10 extra inserts/doublers
All in ones:
Everyday: 10-12 diapers
every 2 days: 16-20 diapers
every 3 days: 25-30 diapers
This is the minimum and you may find a mixture of types works best for you.
I currently have 21 diapers (12 pockets, 9 all in ones) and 2 swim diapers. I feel this gives me a good cushion.
So there are things besides diapers that you need.
2 large wet bags or a diaper pail with 2 washable liners. (i have a bummis bag and a planet wise)
2-4 travel size wet bags (for your diaper bag) (I currently only have one, bummis)
Laundry detergent
Nice accessories but not needed:
Diaper sprayer (I am getting a used one from a friend)- this makes your wash so much easier. I have read that you can also use a hand held shower head and a 5 gallon bucket.
Some people use cloth wipes. I don't, I like my disposables and I just throw them in the diaper pail I have from when I used disposable diapers. But cloth wipes can be washed with your diapers so it is not a lot of extra work. You can buy cloth wipes, or you can use baby washcloths from target or walmart. Some people even upcycle old t-shirts and pieces of fabric. If so you need wipes, probably a wipe warmer and some people like the soap for the wipes. This may be something I try with the next baby.
Now there are other types of diapers besides these and other ways of cloth diapering. This is just what I have used and what I like. I am not getting paid by these companies. I also am not one of those people who look down on moms who use disposables. I think what works for you is how you should diaper your baby. I am very enthusiastic about cloth right now so I am more than willing to tell anyone everything about it but that may be because my life consists of a 5 month old and a dog. There is not a lot going on in my life right now so yes diapers are exciting. One disclaimer I have to make. Cloth diapering is addicting. Yes, you read that right. You will constantly find new things you want to buy or try. I am lucky and Cottonbabies has 3 store fronts in St. Louis. I went to the store and a lady sat down and talked to me for 2 hours about diapers and showed me all the different kinds. They also have classes you can attend. Most areas have diaper services which are great if you dont want to wash your own but they usually have restrictions on which kinds you can use and they can be pricey. Though most of these companies will come to your house and show you the different kinds and set you up. This is a great way to figure out if cloth is for you.
Flip diaper: smallest size setting, hook/loop option |
Flip diaper with microfiber stay dry insert (folded because at smallest size) |
Just the flip cover, still on smallest size so slightly twisted |
The pocket diaper
Sunbaby microfiber insert |
Sunbaby diaper. Smallest size |
Stuffed Sunbaby diaper |
As you can see in the photo above. there is a little skirt at one end. Under that skirt there is an opening in the fleece layer where you stuff the diaper.
The All in one diaper (AIO)
I have 9 Bumgenius Freetime diapers. These are all one piece and usually run a little more expensive than pocket diapers. I had been successfully cloth diapering during the day for a while before investing in these diapers. My daughter is a heavy wetter and double stuffing my diapers made them to bulky for her. I wanted a diaper that would be good for overnight. I was willing to spend more money per diaper because I knew that I was committed to cloth diapering at this point. A freetime diaper normally runs $19.95 each. I found a lady who had a bunch given to her for her second baby that she did not need. They were brand new and she sold them to me for $12 each. I got 7 from her and then bought 2 with a gift card and coupon from Babies R Us. What I like about these diapers is that they are way more absorbent. They fit her better than the pockets and there is no stuffing needed. You can also put an extra insert in if you need it to make it more absorbent. I never use pockets at night, only my freetimes. I also like putting these in my diaper bag. I am considering buying some more of these because I prefer them and they fit her better. I would then just use my pockets as spare diapers or randomly. One downside to All in one diapers is that they take longer to dry.
Bumgenius Freetime Diaper |
BG freetime, inside |
BG Freetime, flaps are movable, this lets you customize absorbency for boy/girl also you can put extra insert under the flaps |
BG freetime in smallest setting (bulky on baby at this setting) |
Swim diaper
Yes that is right they make re-usable swim diapers. I did not buy a diaper made specifically for swimming. They mostly are one piece and slide up and down like a pull-up. That is really messy if they go to the bathroom. So I did some research. You can use a hybrid cover as a swim diaper but most people say it sticks to baby and can be uncomfortable. I also found out that you can use a pocket diaper with out an insert. I did not want to use my normal everyday diapers because the chlorine will fade the colors and the PUL in the cover will start to get messed up over time. I found someone selling 2 very gently used Happy Heine pockets. I bought them for $10. They also came with inserts that I will use to double.
You have to clean your diapers every 3 days. You can not go longer than 3 days. I wash every 2 but some people wash every day. You need to decide how often you plan to wash because that will tell you how many diapers you need to have.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding all you have to do is take the diaper off the baby (pull out insert if pocket), put diaper in wet bag, then put in washer when time to wash. Breastmilk is 100% water soluble so it will all wash out in the washer.
If you are using formula or solids you need to take any debris off of diaper (pull out insert now), rinse, then put in wet bag.
When time to wash dump wet bag and contents into washer.
I wash one cold cycle with soap. I then check all of my diapers to make sure there is no discoloration. If not I then do one Hot cycle. I air dry my diapers in my dryer. But plan to sun dry when it is not as cold. The Cottonbabies website says to wash cold, then Hot with soap, then extra rinse. But I found I did not like the ammonia smell after one wash and prefer the soap in the first wash.
You can not use soap that has any brighteners which means most of the free and clear detergents are out. You can buy cloth diaper specific detergent but that can be pricey I use ECOS free and clear which you can buy at Walmart. It is rather inexpensive. For normal clothes in a HE machine you use 1 ounce of detergent. For cloth diapers you only have to use 1/8-1/4 of that. Here is a list I found helpful when picking a detergent.
If you happen to get stains or your diapers hold an ammonia smell you can sun dry. After sun drying your diapers all stains will be gone and they will not smell anymore. It is cool how the sun works.
What about the smell?
My wet bag sits open in Emily's bathroom. The door stays open. Because there is no enclosed space you can not smell anything. When I was using disposables I had a diaper pail that said it would not smell. This is false. It smelled horrendous. My cloth do not smell at all.
How many diapers do I need:
This depends on how often you wash and how old your baby is. A newborn can easily go through 12 diapers a day so you should buy 12-18 and I would suggest washing everyday. Older babies you should plan on 8 a day and an overnight solution. So it breaks down to this:
Wash every day- 3 covers and 12-15 inserts/prefolds
Wash every 2 days- 5 covers and 16-20 inserts/prefolds
Wash every 3 days- 7 covers and 24-28 inserts/prefolds
Everyday: 10 diapers, 10 inserts, 2-4 extra inserts/ doublers for overnights
every 2 days: 18 diapers, 18 inserts, 4-8 extra inserts/doublers
every 3 days: 26 diapers, 26 inserts, 8-10 extra inserts/doublers
All in ones:
Everyday: 10-12 diapers
every 2 days: 16-20 diapers
every 3 days: 25-30 diapers
This is the minimum and you may find a mixture of types works best for you.
I currently have 21 diapers (12 pockets, 9 all in ones) and 2 swim diapers. I feel this gives me a good cushion.
So there are things besides diapers that you need.
2 large wet bags or a diaper pail with 2 washable liners. (i have a bummis bag and a planet wise)
2-4 travel size wet bags (for your diaper bag) (I currently only have one, bummis)
Laundry detergent
Nice accessories but not needed:
Diaper sprayer (I am getting a used one from a friend)- this makes your wash so much easier. I have read that you can also use a hand held shower head and a 5 gallon bucket.
Some people use cloth wipes. I don't, I like my disposables and I just throw them in the diaper pail I have from when I used disposable diapers. But cloth wipes can be washed with your diapers so it is not a lot of extra work. You can buy cloth wipes, or you can use baby washcloths from target or walmart. Some people even upcycle old t-shirts and pieces of fabric. If so you need wipes, probably a wipe warmer and some people like the soap for the wipes. This may be something I try with the next baby.
Now there are other types of diapers besides these and other ways of cloth diapering. This is just what I have used and what I like. I am not getting paid by these companies. I also am not one of those people who look down on moms who use disposables. I think what works for you is how you should diaper your baby. I am very enthusiastic about cloth right now so I am more than willing to tell anyone everything about it but that may be because my life consists of a 5 month old and a dog. There is not a lot going on in my life right now so yes diapers are exciting. One disclaimer I have to make. Cloth diapering is addicting. Yes, you read that right. You will constantly find new things you want to buy or try. I am lucky and Cottonbabies has 3 store fronts in St. Louis. I went to the store and a lady sat down and talked to me for 2 hours about diapers and showed me all the different kinds. They also have classes you can attend. Most areas have diaper services which are great if you dont want to wash your own but they usually have restrictions on which kinds you can use and they can be pricey. Though most of these companies will come to your house and show you the different kinds and set you up. This is a great way to figure out if cloth is for you.
I'm not so funny anymore
I used to be funny. I mean really funny. I could just look at Emily and she would start smiling. If I smiled back she would giggle and if the word "Boo" came out of my mouth we had full on belly laughs. You have no idea what this did to my self-esteem. I was Queen of the mommy world. I could do no wrong. I was a super hero, my power was to make crying babies laugh and my uniform was spit-up.
Well those days are gone. She could care less if I look at her. My smile usually makes her cough and if I play peak a boo she looks at me like I have 2 heads. I have lost all of my super powers and I am just a normal mom.
This will not do. I need to be super mom again. So I am pulling out all of the stops and I dont care what I look like in public. Yes, if you see me you may think I need to spend some time in a psychiatric ward but really I am super mom in disguise.
You can find me in Wal-mart pretending the stroller is a race car.
You can find me in line at the grocery store pretending to be an umpa-lumpa.
You can find me in Best Buy dancing, skipping, singing and doing squat jumps.
And while all these things may be crazy. I do not have the screaming baby in the store. I would rather have people stand back because they question my sanity than to deal with an inconsolable screaming baby.
So next time you see me or another super mom like me. Give her a smile, wave or even join in on the fun because she knows she looks nuts but she is willing to do that to make her baby happy. That is a super mom.
This will not do. I need to be super mom again. So I am pulling out all of the stops and I dont care what I look like in public. Yes, if you see me you may think I need to spend some time in a psychiatric ward but really I am super mom in disguise.
You can find me in Wal-mart pretending the stroller is a race car.
You can find me in line at the grocery store pretending to be an umpa-lumpa.
You can find me in Best Buy dancing, skipping, singing and doing squat jumps.
And while all these things may be crazy. I do not have the screaming baby in the store. I would rather have people stand back because they question my sanity than to deal with an inconsolable screaming baby.
So next time you see me or another super mom like me. Give her a smile, wave or even join in on the fun because she knows she looks nuts but she is willing to do that to make her baby happy. That is a super mom.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
It snowed when we were in Houston so we missed it. That means this past week was Emily's first snow. It was really pretty but cold and mostly a mix of snow/ice/sleet.
I wanted to take her out in it for just a minute. I did not invest in a snow suit this winter (and I am glad) because Emily is never really outside. She is only outside in the cold when going between a building and a car. Most of the time she is in her carseat during this and they cant wear snow suits when in a carseat. I did not want her to be cold so I decided layers were the way to go. I put her in a onesie, a light cotton pajama, a flannel pajama and her coat over top. She looked like that kid from A Christmas Carol. Add a hat and we were set.
I ran out, put her in the bumbo, took a bunch of pictures, then ran back inside. We were maybe outside for a total of 90 seconds. I may have gone overboard with the layers. We would have stayed out longer but between the time I decided to take her out and when I was finished layering her up it started coming down hard and turned to ice/sleet, which hurt. Here are the results:
I wanted to take her out in it for just a minute. I did not invest in a snow suit this winter (and I am glad) because Emily is never really outside. She is only outside in the cold when going between a building and a car. Most of the time she is in her carseat during this and they cant wear snow suits when in a carseat. I did not want her to be cold so I decided layers were the way to go. I put her in a onesie, a light cotton pajama, a flannel pajama and her coat over top. She looked like that kid from A Christmas Carol. Add a hat and we were set.
I ran out, put her in the bumbo, took a bunch of pictures, then ran back inside. We were maybe outside for a total of 90 seconds. I may have gone overboard with the layers. We would have stayed out longer but between the time I decided to take her out and when I was finished layering her up it started coming down hard and turned to ice/sleet, which hurt. Here are the results:
Mom, Im not impressed |
Hey! Its a slider! |
Snow in the face! |
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And finally a happy one :) |
Packing for an infant
The first weekend our good friends got married. We were very excited to attend the wedding which was in Houston.
On the other hand this was the first trip we were taking Emily on and it was going to be her first time flying. I was crazy anxious. And of course my way of dealing with this: planning. Yep I am totally my mother daughter. 4 weeks before our trip I started making lists. I continued to tweak and change my list. I asked other moms I knew, I ran the whole thing by my mother, I read the whole thing off to my husband (who was not listening).
My list was 4 pages long. yep. 4 pages. One for me. One for my husband. One for Emily and One page with all the baby things that needed to be in our carry-on. I excessively worried about my lists because it was the only think I could control. We flew after Emily's bed time and I was sure she was going to scream the whole time and flying just makes me nervous anyway so I concentrated on what I had a direct effect on. What we packed.
We were flying Southwest so we had free checked bags which is the way to go when you are traveling with baby, they need a lot of stuff.
Here is what I packed and then what I learned:
Checked bag:
Carry on bag (diaper bag and backpack):
On the other hand this was the first trip we were taking Emily on and it was going to be her first time flying. I was crazy anxious. And of course my way of dealing with this: planning. Yep I am totally my mother daughter. 4 weeks before our trip I started making lists. I continued to tweak and change my list. I asked other moms I knew, I ran the whole thing by my mother, I read the whole thing off to my husband (who was not listening).
My list was 4 pages long. yep. 4 pages. One for me. One for my husband. One for Emily and One page with all the baby things that needed to be in our carry-on. I excessively worried about my lists because it was the only think I could control. We flew after Emily's bed time and I was sure she was going to scream the whole time and flying just makes me nervous anyway so I concentrated on what I had a direct effect on. What we packed.
We were flying Southwest so we had free checked bags which is the way to go when you are traveling with baby, they need a lot of stuff.
Here is what I packed and then what I learned:
Emily's checked bag |
- Lotion, body wash, Emily's medicine and dropper in ziplock
-2 9oz bottles
-1 5oz bottles
-Bottle brush
-4 pairs of socks
-4 sets of pajamas
-1 sleep sack
-2 pairs of pants
-1 2-piece outfit
-1 long sleeve onesie
-8 short sleeve onesies
-2 pacifiers
-1 thermal blanket
-1 blankie
-1 flannel blanket
-1 lovie
-1 book
-1 travel case of wipes
-4 bibs
-4 burp cloths
-2 ziplock bags
-1 coat
- wedding outfit (dress, onesie, tights)
- 2 pairs of shoes
-sleep sheep
-1 hat
It looks like a lot of clothes and it is but Emily has major reflux so we go through a lot of outfits a day. Also, we used disposable diapers on this trip and she tends to leak with those.
Emily's Carry on |
-2 pajama outfits
- 1 8oz bottle with powdered formula in it
- 1 5oz bottle with powdered formula in it
-Tylenol and dropper
- 1 shirt for me
- 1 ziplock bag
-1 lovie
-2 pairs of socks
-pacifier wipes
-diaper pad
-2 pacifiers
-1 taggi book
- 2 onesies
-1 hat
- 2 5oz bottles with prepaired liquid formula (in cold bag)
- 10 diapers ( i think i stuffed a bunch in extra places too)
-travel wipes
-2 burp cloths
-1 bib
- copy of birth certificate
- J.L. Childress carseat bag
We also took:
snap and go stroller
Ergo carrier
carseat base
On the way there we gate checked our carseat and stroller. On the way back we checked it, this is the way to do it. I carried Emily through security in our Ergo, she slept the whole time. The carseat bag got bad reviews but I am happy with it. I paid $12 and it is dirty and has 2 small holes but I would rather the bag have them than the carseat. My in-laws arrived before us so they bought formula and diapers which was very helpful and I did not have to pack it. We ran out of the formula when I was packing to fly back. I ended up buying the ready to feed 8oz bottles. These are so much better for traveling. All you need is standard nipples, it is faster through security because they are sealed and you can trash the bottles once they are empty.
The main thing I learned:
Yes someone tried to impart this knowledge on me but I was too anxious to really listen. Everything could go wrong and you can just go buy more clothes, formula, diapers, wipes, or other needed baby item. This can be done 24/7, stop worrying.
My Baby is 5mo!
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Happy girl |
Do you have my bottle? |
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A girl and her dog. best friends :) |
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We love hair bows! |
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5 months old with our Hippo! |
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Having fun in our high chair eating our Sophie! |
Emily is now eating food! Yay!
And while most of her food does not look very appetizing it smells and tastes good (I tried it). It is also a really fun mess :)
At our 4 month doctor appointment the Pediatrician said it was alright to start her on solids because we were not breastfeeding (if you are breastfeeding you want to wait till 6 mo). Emily was also showing major signs of interest. We eat dinner as a family and she has been joining us for the past few months. She started staring at our food and following our forks.
We went on a trip at the beginning of February (post to come) and we were in the process of switching her off hypoallergenic formula so we did not want to change her diet right away. So we started after we got back from Houston.
I decided to make my own baby food. I know you probably just read my post about cloth diapers so you are thinking I am a total hippy. And that is fine but again this decision was mainly based on economics.
I found the price breakdown in this article at mint.com.
A 4 oz jar of organic baby food is $1.39. A serving size is 2 oz so that is $0.69 per serving.
A 4oz jar of baby food is $1.05. $0.53 per serving
Homemade food is a little harder to break down as produce cost vary. Here is one example based on what I have paid. I do not buy organic specific produce. But because I made the food I know there are no preservatives added which is my main concern with baby food, I am less worried about pesticides.
I started with sweet potatoes. I paid $0.80 for one large sweet potato. I was able to make 10 servings (i spilled some so it would probably have made more like 12). That come out to $0.08 per serving! That is like nothing.
Making baby food really does not take that much time and if planned correctly you could make enough for one month in about 15 minutes.
I have a baby bullet but you could easily do this with a regular food processor and ice cube trays.
The process is easy:
1. Peal and cut the foods that need it.
2. Boil the foods that need to be cooked.
3. Put in food processor with a little bit of water (use the water food was cooked in)
4. turn on for 3-5 minutes
5. put in containers or ice trays
Your done. Food in the refrigerator is good for 2 days. Food in the freezer is good for 30 days. Using the water the food is cooked in puts the vitamins and nutrients back in the food. More water makes the food more liquid.
So far we have made:
1 sweet potato- 10 servings
2 avocados- 7 servings
3 bananas- 12 servings
Bananas and avocados do not need to be cooked so those are super easy. I still have some bananas in the freezer but I think I am going to make a bunch of food in one big cooking batch later in the week.
I have been converted
Yep, converted. We are now a fully cloth family.
A cloth family? What is that?
We only use cloth diapers.
Yes, I know your response. "EWWWW"
I felt the same before my beautiful bundle of joy arrived. Why would you want to TOUCH and CLEAN poop. That is disgusting.
Then my world changed when my angel arrived. See what non-parent me did not realize is that even when you use disposables you will be touching poop (gasp!) and cleaning poop (the horror!).
I have quickly realized that babies are evil geniuses. They will hold that poop in until the most inconvenient time and then it is an explosion and they are silently chuckling at our frantic cleaning.
No matter how hard you try if you have a newborn you will get poop on your hands, on your clothes, and under your nails. Just hope you are lucky and you never get it in the car seat or your hair.
Once I was past this I was able to see the benefits of cloth diapering. There are many but the one that really drew me was the expense. Most babies are potty trained between 2.5 and 3 yrs. And even then some heavy sleepers need to use pull ups at night, about 40% of children use night protection up to age 4.
The average cost per diaper when bought in bulk is $0.23- $0.31. This is name brand and for sensitive skin (less chemicals). The price per diaper goes up as your child grows. The average baby uses 8-10 diapers a day once they hit 3 months. Newborn to 3 months averages closer to 12-15 per day.
So doing the math and estimating at the higher end of the averages. That would be $0.31 per diaper, 15 per day for 90 days then 10 per day up to age 3 (1005 days). That is a total of 11400 diapers totaling $3534. You also have to remember this is an average. If you child gets sick or has diaper rash on a regular basis you will be changing diapers more often.
Cloth diapers have a higher up front cost and you can obviously pay more for higher end styles but in the long run they are way more affordable. I was able to cloth diaper my daughter for $200 and if I take care of my diapers I can use them for multiple children.
There are other reasons to cloth. The second biggest for us is that my daughter has very sensitive skin. Once she started wearing cloth she has not had one diaper rash (or blow out). The third main reason people cloth is the fact that it is more eco-friendly. Studies have shown that one disposable diaper may take up to 500 years to decompose. That is nuts!
Before I jumped into cloth diapering I did a ton of research and I have tried 4 different types of diapers so I will soon be doing a Cloth 101 post to help you guys who are interested in how this works. There will also be cute cotton bottom pics on that one :)
A cloth family? What is that?
We only use cloth diapers.
Yes, I know your response. "EWWWW"
I felt the same before my beautiful bundle of joy arrived. Why would you want to TOUCH and CLEAN poop. That is disgusting.
Then my world changed when my angel arrived. See what non-parent me did not realize is that even when you use disposables you will be touching poop (gasp!) and cleaning poop (the horror!).
I have quickly realized that babies are evil geniuses. They will hold that poop in until the most inconvenient time and then it is an explosion and they are silently chuckling at our frantic cleaning.
No matter how hard you try if you have a newborn you will get poop on your hands, on your clothes, and under your nails. Just hope you are lucky and you never get it in the car seat or your hair.
Once I was past this I was able to see the benefits of cloth diapering. There are many but the one that really drew me was the expense. Most babies are potty trained between 2.5 and 3 yrs. And even then some heavy sleepers need to use pull ups at night, about 40% of children use night protection up to age 4.
The average cost per diaper when bought in bulk is $0.23- $0.31. This is name brand and for sensitive skin (less chemicals). The price per diaper goes up as your child grows. The average baby uses 8-10 diapers a day once they hit 3 months. Newborn to 3 months averages closer to 12-15 per day.
So doing the math and estimating at the higher end of the averages. That would be $0.31 per diaper, 15 per day for 90 days then 10 per day up to age 3 (1005 days). That is a total of 11400 diapers totaling $3534. You also have to remember this is an average. If you child gets sick or has diaper rash on a regular basis you will be changing diapers more often.
Cloth diapers have a higher up front cost and you can obviously pay more for higher end styles but in the long run they are way more affordable. I was able to cloth diaper my daughter for $200 and if I take care of my diapers I can use them for multiple children.
There are other reasons to cloth. The second biggest for us is that my daughter has very sensitive skin. Once she started wearing cloth she has not had one diaper rash (or blow out). The third main reason people cloth is the fact that it is more eco-friendly. Studies have shown that one disposable diaper may take up to 500 years to decompose. That is nuts!
Before I jumped into cloth diapering I did a ton of research and I have tried 4 different types of diapers so I will soon be doing a Cloth 101 post to help you guys who are interested in how this works. There will also be cute cotton bottom pics on that one :)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Game of the Day!
So the new game we are playing today is..... (drum roll)
Yay! This kills 3 birds with one stone.
1. Happy giggly baby
2. Dead tired dog
3. Mommy's workout
now we all need a nap :)
Yay! This kills 3 birds with one stone.
1. Happy giggly baby
2. Dead tired dog
3. Mommy's workout
now we all need a nap :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Registry 101
So because I did a post on my favorite things I thought I would do one about baby registries. Maybe my new found knowledge about baby shopping will help those pregnant mommies out there. Also, I have some information about discounts at the different stores in case you need to buy a baby present.
I registered at the following stores. I will not register there again. Here are the pros and cons of each store.
Babies R Us
I originally registered here because I thought they were the gurus of baby stuff. I was wrong. The staff does not know the merchandise. It is usually hard to find help and they don't always tell you the correct answer. I have only found one store that was clean. Most are dirty. They send lots of coupons but you have to use them in store and there are lots of exclusions. Most of the items are overpriced. They have a completion program but there are lots of exclusions and stipulations. They are not very good with returns. You have to have a receipt or gift receipt. And it always seems the people who give you gift receipts are the ones who buy from the registry, not the other way around. The only time they have a really good deal going on is when they do the Trade-in event. You can turn in an old car seat, high chair, crib, stroller, pack and play, etc and get 25% off a new baby gear item (some exclusions apply). They do this event 2 times a year (right now and in the fall, around September). If you don't have something to turn in they also have 15% off baby gear coupons at the same time.
I registered at Target because there are targets everywhere. Easy for all people to go to and buy from. The main problem with target is that they don't have many of their items in store and every store is different. They have lost of toys and clothes but only a few baby gear items, no furniture, and VERY limited bedding. Most people will buy you something they can run in the store to get. Also, most of the time with baby items you need to see it to decide if it will work for you. They have a completion program but it is not as much off as Babies R Us. They will send you samples of formula and bottles in the mail along with regular coupons. They also do not have a very good return policy.
Burlington Coat Factory
I only registered at Burlington because they had more bedding sets in store. Babies R Us carried the sets I liked but they did not have them in the store for me to look at. That was the only thing I registered for there. When I registered it was the first and last time I have set foot in the store. It is not that I have anything against this store it is just never very accessible to where I live and I prefer other stores. I don't know if they have a completion program. They send me regular emails now but they go strait to the trash folder. They do not carry more of the high end brands.
I will register when I am pregnant with future babies. Not that we are planning any in the near future. The main reason I will register again is for the completion programs and coupons. There will be at least a few items that will be needed and I am all about the coupons. Next time here is where I will register.
Buy Buy Baby
I had never seen a Buy Buy Baby until I moved to MO. It is closer to me than Babies R Us so I went in to check it out one day. I fell in love. This company is owned by the same parent company as Bed Bath and Beyond. It is set up basically the same inside except it has baby stuff. They have more brands than Babies R Us and the stores are clean. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable. They will price match and you don't even have to bring in the advertisement. They will look it up on the competitors website for you. They will take competitors coupons as long as they are not expired (yep so you can use your babies R us coupons on the cheaper buy buy baby prices). They will also take Bed Bath and Beyond coupons as long as they are not expired (Bed bath and beyond coupons never really expire, I used one last week that was 3 years old). Also if someone wants to send you a gift from the registry they can go in store and order it, use a coupon, have it gift wrapped and mailed. Babies R Us will not let you use in store coupons to order things online from in the store. They have a completion program but I am not sure what it is because I did not register there. They are great about returns and I have not had any problem returning with out a receipt. I am also now brand loyal. Why you ask? Simple, I had the best customer service experience. When I had a 7 week old infant my dog ate a part to my breast pump. I was sleep deprived with an infant who refused to nurse and my double pump was now a single. I was not happy and I am sure I looked like crap when I showed up at the store. I went and bought what I thought was the replacement part. I get home and it does not fit. I take it back to exchange and I can not find the appropriate piece. The employee helps me look. She can not find it either. We then spend 30 minutes on her computer looking at the Medela website trying to figure out which part is the one I need and if any retailers sell it. We were unable to find it. The Medela help line was closed because it was 9:30pm. If it had been open she was going to call for me. So while I left empty handed (Medela does not sell that part at all) I had an amazing experience and left with a smile. At that point it would have been very easy for me to get upset and emotional but because they were so nice and helpful I felt very well taken care of. It was also nice to have an adult conversation so that may have had something to do with it.
Is another great place to register. You can find everything you need. They have a 10% off completion program. All returns are free up to 90 days. Also if someone is buying you something and they have prime they have free shipping.
Tips for Registering:
- Do not register at more than 2 places. It is hard to keep up with them all and not have overlaps.
- Do not register for clothing. People will buy you what they think is cute not what is on your registry. Don't waste your time. If you really want something throw it on there to get with your completion program
- Register for bottle starter kits. At least 2 different brands. You don't know what you and your baby likes.
- Don't register for all one brand in something that you need multiples. Register for different styles. You don't know what you will like (example swaddle blankets)
- Don't register for blankets. You will get a ton and they will probably be better than the ones you register for.
-You do not need a travel system. Most of the travel system strollers suck. Try out the strollers. Fold them up. See if you can lift it with one hand, because that is all you will have available. If you happen to like one that goes with a travel system that rocks. Other wise register for the stroller you like and then figure out which car seat works with the adapter that brand has.
- Try not to get over whelmed. Your baby will be fine if you end up getting the second best high chair instead of the best. They will become happy adults even if they have the wrong mobile. The baby industry makes us think that all of these things are SUPER important for babies development and if you don't buy the newest and most expensive you are a bad parent. That is so wrong. As long as you love your baby everything will work out perfectly
I registered at the following stores. I will not register there again. Here are the pros and cons of each store.
Babies R Us
I originally registered here because I thought they were the gurus of baby stuff. I was wrong. The staff does not know the merchandise. It is usually hard to find help and they don't always tell you the correct answer. I have only found one store that was clean. Most are dirty. They send lots of coupons but you have to use them in store and there are lots of exclusions. Most of the items are overpriced. They have a completion program but there are lots of exclusions and stipulations. They are not very good with returns. You have to have a receipt or gift receipt. And it always seems the people who give you gift receipts are the ones who buy from the registry, not the other way around. The only time they have a really good deal going on is when they do the Trade-in event. You can turn in an old car seat, high chair, crib, stroller, pack and play, etc and get 25% off a new baby gear item (some exclusions apply). They do this event 2 times a year (right now and in the fall, around September). If you don't have something to turn in they also have 15% off baby gear coupons at the same time.
I registered at Target because there are targets everywhere. Easy for all people to go to and buy from. The main problem with target is that they don't have many of their items in store and every store is different. They have lost of toys and clothes but only a few baby gear items, no furniture, and VERY limited bedding. Most people will buy you something they can run in the store to get. Also, most of the time with baby items you need to see it to decide if it will work for you. They have a completion program but it is not as much off as Babies R Us. They will send you samples of formula and bottles in the mail along with regular coupons. They also do not have a very good return policy.
Burlington Coat Factory
I only registered at Burlington because they had more bedding sets in store. Babies R Us carried the sets I liked but they did not have them in the store for me to look at. That was the only thing I registered for there. When I registered it was the first and last time I have set foot in the store. It is not that I have anything against this store it is just never very accessible to where I live and I prefer other stores. I don't know if they have a completion program. They send me regular emails now but they go strait to the trash folder. They do not carry more of the high end brands.
I will register when I am pregnant with future babies. Not that we are planning any in the near future. The main reason I will register again is for the completion programs and coupons. There will be at least a few items that will be needed and I am all about the coupons. Next time here is where I will register.
Buy Buy Baby
I had never seen a Buy Buy Baby until I moved to MO. It is closer to me than Babies R Us so I went in to check it out one day. I fell in love. This company is owned by the same parent company as Bed Bath and Beyond. It is set up basically the same inside except it has baby stuff. They have more brands than Babies R Us and the stores are clean. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable. They will price match and you don't even have to bring in the advertisement. They will look it up on the competitors website for you. They will take competitors coupons as long as they are not expired (yep so you can use your babies R us coupons on the cheaper buy buy baby prices). They will also take Bed Bath and Beyond coupons as long as they are not expired (Bed bath and beyond coupons never really expire, I used one last week that was 3 years old). Also if someone wants to send you a gift from the registry they can go in store and order it, use a coupon, have it gift wrapped and mailed. Babies R Us will not let you use in store coupons to order things online from in the store. They have a completion program but I am not sure what it is because I did not register there. They are great about returns and I have not had any problem returning with out a receipt. I am also now brand loyal. Why you ask? Simple, I had the best customer service experience. When I had a 7 week old infant my dog ate a part to my breast pump. I was sleep deprived with an infant who refused to nurse and my double pump was now a single. I was not happy and I am sure I looked like crap when I showed up at the store. I went and bought what I thought was the replacement part. I get home and it does not fit. I take it back to exchange and I can not find the appropriate piece. The employee helps me look. She can not find it either. We then spend 30 minutes on her computer looking at the Medela website trying to figure out which part is the one I need and if any retailers sell it. We were unable to find it. The Medela help line was closed because it was 9:30pm. If it had been open she was going to call for me. So while I left empty handed (Medela does not sell that part at all) I had an amazing experience and left with a smile. At that point it would have been very easy for me to get upset and emotional but because they were so nice and helpful I felt very well taken care of. It was also nice to have an adult conversation so that may have had something to do with it.
Is another great place to register. You can find everything you need. They have a 10% off completion program. All returns are free up to 90 days. Also if someone is buying you something and they have prime they have free shipping.
Tips for Registering:
- Do not register at more than 2 places. It is hard to keep up with them all and not have overlaps.
- Do not register for clothing. People will buy you what they think is cute not what is on your registry. Don't waste your time. If you really want something throw it on there to get with your completion program
- Register for bottle starter kits. At least 2 different brands. You don't know what you and your baby likes.
- Don't register for all one brand in something that you need multiples. Register for different styles. You don't know what you will like (example swaddle blankets)
- Don't register for blankets. You will get a ton and they will probably be better than the ones you register for.
-You do not need a travel system. Most of the travel system strollers suck. Try out the strollers. Fold them up. See if you can lift it with one hand, because that is all you will have available. If you happen to like one that goes with a travel system that rocks. Other wise register for the stroller you like and then figure out which car seat works with the adapter that brand has.
- Try not to get over whelmed. Your baby will be fine if you end up getting the second best high chair instead of the best. They will become happy adults even if they have the wrong mobile. The baby industry makes us think that all of these things are SUPER important for babies development and if you don't buy the newest and most expensive you are a bad parent. That is so wrong. As long as you love your baby everything will work out perfectly
Saturday, January 19, 2013
My favorite things (newborn to 4 months)
I wanted to write some posts about my favorite baby things. Mainly as a reference for my friends and for myself in the future. Unfortunately I am not Oprah so you don't get all of these things as presents. Sorry. I would if I could :) Also, if you are buying a baby present and want to get them something that will be used the items on this list all fall under that category. This list is for babies aged newborn to 4 months old. I will continue these lists as I get to older ages.
- HALO sleepsack swaddle: we had the summer swaddle blankets but Emily was a long baby so these did not work very well. Luckily the hospital sent us home with a halo. I loved it. I bought a couple from someone. I did not like the ones I bought second hand as much. These were sacks where the swaddle part came off (was held on by velcro). I prefer the one where the swaddle is not removable. We only swaddled for about 8 weeks but some babies prefer longer. This brand is great for that because there is room by the feet.
-Cloud B sleep sheep: I really liked this and still use it. We have an older house that makes lots of noises so this is great to help keep her asleep before she gets to deep sleep. We got the normal sheep. If I could go back I would have gotten the travel size one. The main difference is that one is smaller and the travel one does not have the "womb/heartbeat" sound. Emily does not really like that sound (it also turns the monitor on) so we don't use that sound. The travel one would be more useful in the car and is cheaper. They also have other animals.
-First essentials bottles: These bottles are great. They are cheap. I think $3.50 for 3 at Target. They also attach to most breast-pumps. They have a universal top so all universal collars fit. These are not as great for mixing formula in. The formula will always spill when putting in the bottle via scoop.
-Similac Simply Smart Bottles: I recieved a few of these 4oz bottles free and was given many coupons for them from the company. That is the only reason I used them. I am so glad. I love these bottles. They have a special attachment that assists in mixing formula. It is also wide mouthed which I liked when I was still breast feeding and pumping. They also have an amazing formula holder that becomes the cap for the bottle. I suggest getting the starter kit. The only downside is that it has a little gas vent and if you are not careful the nipple catches and is not flat against the collar and you will have major leaking. So you just have to check before screwing on the collar. Babies R Us does buy one get one every once an a while. And Walmart has half off on a regular basis.
-Burp Cloths: you can never have enough burp cloths. I like the ones that look like pre-folds. Gerber makes some that are in cute fun colors and are really soft. Some of my favorites are ones that people had embroidered with Emily's name and or initials. These are great when I take her places like the church nursery and the daycare at the gym because they never get confused with ones that belong to other kids.
-Bibs: I really like using bibs. Emily has really bad reflux and so if I don't use bibs I have to change her clothes 7-10 times a day. I like the solid ones because they match every outfit. Most of mine are not waterproof but those are great. If you want something personalized have the baby's name embroidered on it. I have 2 of these and I like using them when I take her to the church nursery or to the gym at an odd hour. That way the workers remember her name.
Right now we dont play with lots of toys but here are a few that we like.
-Vulli Sophie the Giraffe: many people are put off by the price of this teether but it is worth it. We are not cutting teeth yet but love our Sophie. She is easy to hold and is made of natural rubber.
-bright star snuggle and teether: Emily has the elephant. She loves it. It is easy to hold and it makes crinkly noises. It also has a teething part as well.
Baby Gear
-Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller: I LOVE my stroller. I received it as a Christmas present from my parents. They got it from craigslist. Which is always a great way to get more expensive baby gear. This stroller is so popular that they go fast from craigslist and consignment sales. This stroller is only 10 lbs and has a handy one handed fold mechanism. This means that you can hold your baby while using one hand fold and lift the stroller into the car. I do not have the attachments for this stroller but if you will be getting before baby is born or when they are still a newborn I would suggest getting the car seat adapter and a corresponding car seat to make this into a travel system. The website has a disclaimer that this is not a jogging stroller and yes if you are a very fast runner I would not suggest utilizing it in that fashion but if you are a slower jogger and only want one stroller it is a good option. It does have a way to lock the front wheel if you are running on a straight track.
- Carseat: I have not included a link for a carseat. Pick the stroller you like the most then buy the corresponding carseat. We have the Graco snugride 35 which is very safe. I would not buy it again. for several reasons. One it is heavier because it holds a baby up to 35lbs. We will not be using this carseat up to that weight. Most 2 year olds are not that heavy and if you do have a heavier baby you are not going to be carrying them around in the pumpkin seat. Buy a cheaper car seat that holds up to a lower weight and you will have an easier time carrying your baby in the pumpkin seat because they weigh less (it will also fit in the shopping carts better). I also would buy a carseat that has a handle where you can change the angle of your grip. Would just make carrying it easier. Carseats dont expire for 5 years from the date they are manufactured. Due to this I bought a neutral color so that I can use this same carseat for any children we may have in that time period.
-Ergo Baby carrier: I love my Ergo. It is easy to use and comfortable. You can hold up to 40lbs (i know several people who carry their toddlers and are comfortable while doing it). There is an infant insert which makes it easy to use with newborns but is a little hot. I love using this when grocery shopping. You can also switch to carrying in back when the baby gets older. This was great when Emily had slight colic (due to allergy), it puts her right to sleep.
- Play mat: Any play mat is great. I prefer ones that make noise and have lights. I have added more toys to ours so she could reach them. This is great to entertain baby while you take a shower.
-Jumperoo: We have a jumperoo. Emily prefers this over the exersaucer she has also used. She is not really big enough to jump but she really likes sitting in it. Which ever kind you like will work. The one that is linked is the one we have. It was easy to put together and the toys are easy to use. She can even play with them now.
-Bumbo seat: we like using the bumbo seat. We borrowed one from a friend. Emily likes it because she likes to sit up but is not completely ready to do it on her own. This also means she can sit up and I can face her to play.
-Swings: we were given an older version of a Fisher-price swing. Not the one linked (based on the age of the persons child I think it is 10 years old, so they do last). It was nice but is big and bulky. It is perfect for ranch houses or condos. A friend let me borrow their Bright Stars portable swing which I really like. This swing easily folds up and moves. I was then able to move it to the floor I was currently on. Also when Emily was having colic I was able to move it to my room and sleep in my bed instead of on the couch. And when I had people coming over I could fold it up and put it away so it was not taking up space.
-Baby monitors: I like my monitor but if I was doing it again I would probably buy a video monitor. I have the Sony baby call nursery monitor. I like that it has two receivers and both have a charger. I leave one in my room and one in the basement. It also has an on mode and a mode that is voice activated (though the sleep sheep sometimes turns it on, see above). I did not originally register for a video monitor because I thought they were expensive and over kill. Now I can see the reason for them. The baby makes noises that you want to check sometimes and it would be nice to just look and see what she is doing. She is a light sleeper and walking in sometimes wakes her up. Though I do know several moms who have become obsessive with their video monitors. So there is some pros and cons.
-carseat canopy: I really like this on my carseat. It is great to keep people from touching her. For some reason people like to kiss random babies at the store. It is also great with the cold. You are not supposed to put jackets on them when in the carseat so this with a blanket keeps her nice and toasty. They have lots of patterns, I went with the one shown here because it matched my gender neutral carseat. You can get this free at this website with a coupon code. They have lots of different codes. Check out retail me not to find one.
Health Items:
-Safety 1st Thermometer: I really like this thermometer because it has interchangeable tips for all 3 modes of temperature taking.
-Bath tub: this bath tub was awesome when she was a newborn because it has the canopy attachment. This held her in the water with out fear of drowning making it easier to soap her up. Now we don't use the canopy and the back has a seat and is designed to help her sit up. I bought mine used at a consignment sale, it is really easy to find these there in good shape.
So I think that is everything right now. I am sure that I will add things as we go along. If you have any questions about these items let me know. I am happy to elaborate. And please remember I am not being paid by these companies. This is just what I have learned from using these products.
- HALO sleepsack swaddle: we had the summer swaddle blankets but Emily was a long baby so these did not work very well. Luckily the hospital sent us home with a halo. I loved it. I bought a couple from someone. I did not like the ones I bought second hand as much. These were sacks where the swaddle part came off (was held on by velcro). I prefer the one where the swaddle is not removable. We only swaddled for about 8 weeks but some babies prefer longer. This brand is great for that because there is room by the feet.
Sleep sheep by cloud B |
-Cloud B sleep sheep: I really liked this and still use it. We have an older house that makes lots of noises so this is great to help keep her asleep before she gets to deep sleep. We got the normal sheep. If I could go back I would have gotten the travel size one. The main difference is that one is smaller and the travel one does not have the "womb/heartbeat" sound. Emily does not really like that sound (it also turns the monitor on) so we don't use that sound. The travel one would be more useful in the car and is cheaper. They also have other animals.
-First essentials bottles: These bottles are great. They are cheap. I think $3.50 for 3 at Target. They also attach to most breast-pumps. They have a universal top so all universal collars fit. These are not as great for mixing formula in. The formula will always spill when putting in the bottle via scoop.
Similac simply smart |
-Similac Simply Smart Bottles: I recieved a few of these 4oz bottles free and was given many coupons for them from the company. That is the only reason I used them. I am so glad. I love these bottles. They have a special attachment that assists in mixing formula. It is also wide mouthed which I liked when I was still breast feeding and pumping. They also have an amazing formula holder that becomes the cap for the bottle. I suggest getting the starter kit. The only downside is that it has a little gas vent and if you are not careful the nipple catches and is not flat against the collar and you will have major leaking. So you just have to check before screwing on the collar. Babies R Us does buy one get one every once an a while. And Walmart has half off on a regular basis.
-Burp Cloths: you can never have enough burp cloths. I like the ones that look like pre-folds. Gerber makes some that are in cute fun colors and are really soft. Some of my favorites are ones that people had embroidered with Emily's name and or initials. These are great when I take her places like the church nursery and the daycare at the gym because they never get confused with ones that belong to other kids.
-Bibs: I really like using bibs. Emily has really bad reflux and so if I don't use bibs I have to change her clothes 7-10 times a day. I like the solid ones because they match every outfit. Most of mine are not waterproof but those are great. If you want something personalized have the baby's name embroidered on it. I have 2 of these and I like using them when I take her to the church nursery or to the gym at an odd hour. That way the workers remember her name.
Right now we dont play with lots of toys but here are a few that we like.
Sophie the Giraffe by Vulli |
-Vulli Sophie the Giraffe: many people are put off by the price of this teether but it is worth it. We are not cutting teeth yet but love our Sophie. She is easy to hold and is made of natural rubber.
-bright star snuggle and teether: Emily has the elephant. She loves it. It is easy to hold and it makes crinkly noises. It also has a teething part as well.
Baby Gear
2012 City Mini |
-Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller: I LOVE my stroller. I received it as a Christmas present from my parents. They got it from craigslist. Which is always a great way to get more expensive baby gear. This stroller is so popular that they go fast from craigslist and consignment sales. This stroller is only 10 lbs and has a handy one handed fold mechanism. This means that you can hold your baby while using one hand fold and lift the stroller into the car. I do not have the attachments for this stroller but if you will be getting before baby is born or when they are still a newborn I would suggest getting the car seat adapter and a corresponding car seat to make this into a travel system. The website has a disclaimer that this is not a jogging stroller and yes if you are a very fast runner I would not suggest utilizing it in that fashion but if you are a slower jogger and only want one stroller it is a good option. It does have a way to lock the front wheel if you are running on a straight track.
- Carseat: I have not included a link for a carseat. Pick the stroller you like the most then buy the corresponding carseat. We have the Graco snugride 35 which is very safe. I would not buy it again. for several reasons. One it is heavier because it holds a baby up to 35lbs. We will not be using this carseat up to that weight. Most 2 year olds are not that heavy and if you do have a heavier baby you are not going to be carrying them around in the pumpkin seat. Buy a cheaper car seat that holds up to a lower weight and you will have an easier time carrying your baby in the pumpkin seat because they weigh less (it will also fit in the shopping carts better). I also would buy a carseat that has a handle where you can change the angle of your grip. Would just make carrying it easier. Carseats dont expire for 5 years from the date they are manufactured. Due to this I bought a neutral color so that I can use this same carseat for any children we may have in that time period.
-Ergo Baby carrier: I love my Ergo. It is easy to use and comfortable. You can hold up to 40lbs (i know several people who carry their toddlers and are comfortable while doing it). There is an infant insert which makes it easy to use with newborns but is a little hot. I love using this when grocery shopping. You can also switch to carrying in back when the baby gets older. This was great when Emily had slight colic (due to allergy), it puts her right to sleep.
- Play mat: Any play mat is great. I prefer ones that make noise and have lights. I have added more toys to ours so she could reach them. This is great to entertain baby while you take a shower.
-Jumperoo: We have a jumperoo. Emily prefers this over the exersaucer she has also used. She is not really big enough to jump but she really likes sitting in it. Which ever kind you like will work. The one that is linked is the one we have. It was easy to put together and the toys are easy to use. She can even play with them now.
-Bumbo seat: we like using the bumbo seat. We borrowed one from a friend. Emily likes it because she likes to sit up but is not completely ready to do it on her own. This also means she can sit up and I can face her to play.
-Swings: we were given an older version of a Fisher-price swing. Not the one linked (based on the age of the persons child I think it is 10 years old, so they do last). It was nice but is big and bulky. It is perfect for ranch houses or condos. A friend let me borrow their Bright Stars portable swing which I really like. This swing easily folds up and moves. I was then able to move it to the floor I was currently on. Also when Emily was having colic I was able to move it to my room and sleep in my bed instead of on the couch. And when I had people coming over I could fold it up and put it away so it was not taking up space.
-Baby monitors: I like my monitor but if I was doing it again I would probably buy a video monitor. I have the Sony baby call nursery monitor. I like that it has two receivers and both have a charger. I leave one in my room and one in the basement. It also has an on mode and a mode that is voice activated (though the sleep sheep sometimes turns it on, see above). I did not originally register for a video monitor because I thought they were expensive and over kill. Now I can see the reason for them. The baby makes noises that you want to check sometimes and it would be nice to just look and see what she is doing. She is a light sleeper and walking in sometimes wakes her up. Though I do know several moms who have become obsessive with their video monitors. So there is some pros and cons.
Carseat Canopy in Reagan |
Health Items:
-Safety 1st Thermometer: I really like this thermometer because it has interchangeable tips for all 3 modes of temperature taking.
-Bath tub: this bath tub was awesome when she was a newborn because it has the canopy attachment. This held her in the water with out fear of drowning making it easier to soap her up. Now we don't use the canopy and the back has a seat and is designed to help her sit up. I bought mine used at a consignment sale, it is really easy to find these there in good shape.
So I think that is everything right now. I am sure that I will add things as we go along. If you have any questions about these items let me know. I am happy to elaborate. And please remember I am not being paid by these companies. This is just what I have learned from using these products.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Smiles and giggles
We have defiantly entered the smiling and giggling phase. I have loved all of the stages so far but this one is amazing. It is so wonderful to have her light up when you walk in the room. I cant describe how it feels to know you are her favorite person and how much joy you bring her. You find yourself doing ridiculous things just to hear a giggle.
I received a position as a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor at a local city recreation center. I started working the first week of the new year. The best part is that they have onsite child care that I can use. So I am timing my hours around the child care hours. The normal days I am completely fine because I have never left her there for more than 2 hours. But last weekend we had an open house and I worked for 5 hours. Emily stayed home with James but I was having a bit of a freak out. Silly right? That was the longest I had been away from her. It was not that I was worried about how James was going to take care of her. I knew they were going to be fine. James is a great dad and I never have to worry about that. It was more that I missed her. I am sure if I was doing something more fun and not working I would have been fine :)
I am really enjoying this location. I don't have any classes that I own yet but I am looking forward to getting one. The best part is that I can work out now. Of course I am cheap. If I am working out I have to pay for the child care for Emily. That means I am utilizing the track. They let you take strollers on the track. I started jogging this week because Emily is now big enough to use my nice stroller. I think I need to start picking races for motivation.
I am really enjoying this location. I don't have any classes that I own yet but I am looking forward to getting one. The best part is that I can work out now. Of course I am cheap. If I am working out I have to pay for the child care for Emily. That means I am utilizing the track. They let you take strollers on the track. I started jogging this week because Emily is now big enough to use my nice stroller. I think I need to start picking races for motivation.
Sleep training
So about 2 weeks ago I did some research on sleep. Apparently you are supposed to put newborns down when they are still awake but sleepy. I so did not do this. I did not realize you were supposed to. I would just hold and rock Emily until she fell asleep and then I would sneak her into her crib. This meant she did not know how to sooth herself to sleep. Looking back I do not regret holding and rocking her to sleep. She was only a newborn for a very short time and I will never have that time back.
But that meant I needed to teach her how to comfort herself. So we started sleep training.
Sleep training SUCKS!
But we did it.
We started a night time routine. Starting with a bath. Then we read 2-3 books. Followed by a bottle and some lullabies. Emily is then tucked in and kissed goodnight.
The first night she cried for 45 minutes before she fell asleep. Every 5 minutes we went and rubbed her tummy (did not pick her up) and tucked her back in. This is so horribly emotionally draining. I ended up sitting in the basement with the monitor off (checking every 5 min) so I could not hear her.
The second night she cried for 40 minutes before falling asleep and the third night for 30 minutes. Fourth night she went straight to sleep! Score!
Now she not only falls asleep at night, she puts herself back to sleep the few times she wakes up at night. She still wakes up once a night (not every night, about every other) for a bottle. She is sleeping longer (10-12 hours). Now she goes to bed easy for naps too.
So I was a nervous wreck for 3 nights and had a hard time dealing with the crying but I stuck with it. I am so glad I did because she is so happier now.
But that meant I needed to teach her how to comfort herself. So we started sleep training.
Sleep training SUCKS!
But we did it.
We started a night time routine. Starting with a bath. Then we read 2-3 books. Followed by a bottle and some lullabies. Emily is then tucked in and kissed goodnight.
The first night she cried for 45 minutes before she fell asleep. Every 5 minutes we went and rubbed her tummy (did not pick her up) and tucked her back in. This is so horribly emotionally draining. I ended up sitting in the basement with the monitor off (checking every 5 min) so I could not hear her.
The second night she cried for 40 minutes before falling asleep and the third night for 30 minutes. Fourth night she went straight to sleep! Score!
Now she not only falls asleep at night, she puts herself back to sleep the few times she wakes up at night. She still wakes up once a night (not every night, about every other) for a bottle. She is sleeping longer (10-12 hours). Now she goes to bed easy for naps too.
So I was a nervous wreck for 3 nights and had a hard time dealing with the crying but I stuck with it. I am so glad I did because she is so happier now.
You know your a parent....
You know you are a parent.....
....when the most common accessory in your wardrobe is spit up.
....when you are caught rocking without holding a newborn.
....when a date is a trip to Costco.
....when you get 5 continuous hours of sleep and its the best thing that has happened in months.
.... if you get in your car and automatically start singing "old mcdonald"
....if your favorite Christmas present was a baby stroller.
These are just a few little snippets. I will add more as they come to me.
....when the most common accessory in your wardrobe is spit up.
....when you are caught rocking without holding a newborn.
....when a date is a trip to Costco.
....when you get 5 continuous hours of sleep and its the best thing that has happened in months.
.... if you get in your car and automatically start singing "old mcdonald"
....if your favorite Christmas present was a baby stroller.
These are just a few little snippets. I will add more as they come to me.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Hello 2013
So this year I did not make any resolutions. I decided to make goals for the year. I feel they have a different meaning and people have a better mindset about goals than resolutions.
So here are my goals for 2013:
1. Finish losing the baby weight and then lose a little more. I have about 10lbs left of baby weight. Which I think is good considering Emily is 3.5 months old and the holiday season just ended.
- I just started a job at a local gym so now I can have more productive workouts
2. Keep my house cleaner. I am really good at finding something else to do instead of cleaning (like blogging). I want to stay on top of my cleaning so I don't have to do a ton all at once.
- We moved our "family room" to the basement which is really helping with keeping the house looking good. Now our front door opens to a "formal living room" which is mostly void of baby items because they have all moved downstairs.
3. Teach more classes. I was so happy when I was teaching in Fall of 2011 though I was getting close to burning out with 10 or more classes a week. I really enjoy teaching and I want to get back to regular classes.
- Right now I am just a sub at my gym (though I did teach a class last week). If I don't get any regular classes there I will start looking at a second gym to just teach at.
4. Enjoy Life! Life is really short and I feel I am kind of just racing through. This year is going to be really exciting watching Emily grow and I don't want to miss a thing.
- This weekend we spent a good amount of time just hanging out and making Emily giggle. Today she just wanted to be held. She didn't want anything but she didn't want to play either. So I just sat down and held my baby. It was a really awesome morning.
So now I am ready for the year. Even though 13 is an unlucky number I am convinced this will be an amazingly wonderful year.
So here are my goals for 2013:
1. Finish losing the baby weight and then lose a little more. I have about 10lbs left of baby weight. Which I think is good considering Emily is 3.5 months old and the holiday season just ended.
- I just started a job at a local gym so now I can have more productive workouts
2. Keep my house cleaner. I am really good at finding something else to do instead of cleaning (like blogging). I want to stay on top of my cleaning so I don't have to do a ton all at once.
- We moved our "family room" to the basement which is really helping with keeping the house looking good. Now our front door opens to a "formal living room" which is mostly void of baby items because they have all moved downstairs.
3. Teach more classes. I was so happy when I was teaching in Fall of 2011 though I was getting close to burning out with 10 or more classes a week. I really enjoy teaching and I want to get back to regular classes.
- Right now I am just a sub at my gym (though I did teach a class last week). If I don't get any regular classes there I will start looking at a second gym to just teach at.
4. Enjoy Life! Life is really short and I feel I am kind of just racing through. This year is going to be really exciting watching Emily grow and I don't want to miss a thing.
- This weekend we spent a good amount of time just hanging out and making Emily giggle. Today she just wanted to be held. She didn't want anything but she didn't want to play either. So I just sat down and held my baby. It was a really awesome morning.
So now I am ready for the year. Even though 13 is an unlucky number I am convinced this will be an amazingly wonderful year.
Attack of the Ladybugs!
For the last couple months, every week or two we find a ladybug in Emily's room. Only in Emily's room. No they are not the same bug because most of the time I catch her (him?). Are ladybugs always referred to as "her". I always release the ones I catch out back. So unless the same one is coming inside (I have no idea how they are getting in) they are different bugs.
We never found these ladybugs before Emily was born. And now it is January. Don't bugs die in the winter?
There are only a few possible reasons for this to keep happening:
1. My daughter is a muggle born wizard and is unknowingly using her powers to talk to ladybugs.
2. I gave birth to the Queen of the ladybugs and they are coming to worship her.
3. She is a bug whisperer and I should be happy it is ladybugs she likes and not tarantulas.
I have decided I like #1 the best and I will be looking forward to the owl we will get when she is 11.
Monday, January 7, 2013
The holidays
Our Anniversary is always kind of shoved to the side because it is 6 days before Christmas. We are both ok with that because we rejoice and celebrate in our love everyday so we would probably not make a big deal out of it if it was any other time of the year anyway.
This year we ordered take out and had a pajama picnic in the living room with Emily. It was fun and easy and completely us.
James and I were really excited about Christmas this year because we have Emily now. Of course she had no idea what was going on but it was really fun buying her gifts. The week before Christmas we took her to the mall to see Santa. Luckily she slept through most of the 45min wait. I thought it was a great success because she did not spit up on Santa.
I made picture Christmas cards this year. It is the first year I did picture ones. James and I don't really take pictures of ourselves so I never had any to use in previous years. I got a really cute Christmas dress for only $5 (score!) and Emily looked so cute in it. It was really hard to put on her though. Once I got the thing on and was walking down the stairs she spit up all over it. I wiped it off and decided to continue with the picture taking. The problem with taking staged photos of Emily at that age was that she could not sit up unsupported yet. (She still cant totally but is getting better. So even though I put her under the tree you could not tell if I zoomed in enough to get her face. I found the best way to get a picture was to put her in the middle of her boppy. I put a white blanket over the boppy to make a good background The second issue I found was that she had just entered the chewing the hand phase. She also likes to suddenly move so I have tons of awesome smiley pictures where she is blurry. Slider was way better at posing so he earned a spot on the card :)

James had to work on Christmas eve so Emily and I hung around the house and cleaned bathrooms. Yep sounds exciting. Once daddy got home we had dinner (nothing fancy), watched some Christmas movies and then went to church. On the way home we drove through the neighborhoods and looked at Christmas lights. It was uneventful and wonderful at the same time. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best way to go.
Christmas morning was fun. Daddy fed Emily while Mommy opened everyone presents. We kept it small and only got her a few things she needed. We also told Santa that he did not have to go very big either so he got her a Sophie giraffe. Then we made breakfast and lazed around the house the rest of the day.
My parents and sisters arrived the next day. James had to work. That left me making Christmas dinner alone while entertaining a baby. I hosted Thanksgiving this year but I had help cooking from my mother in law and my friend Molly. So this was the first time I did it on my own. I had to adjust the timing several times because my parents ended up driving through a blizzard. But everything turned out well and it did not take that much longer for them to get here.
All in all I think it was a great first Christmas for Emily and I look forward to even better ones as the years go on :)
First visit with Santa! |
This year we ordered take out and had a pajama picnic in the living room with Emily. It was fun and easy and completely us.
James and I were really excited about Christmas this year because we have Emily now. Of course she had no idea what was going on but it was really fun buying her gifts. The week before Christmas we took her to the mall to see Santa. Luckily she slept through most of the 45min wait. I thought it was a great success because she did not spit up on Santa.
I made picture Christmas cards this year. It is the first year I did picture ones. James and I don't really take pictures of ourselves so I never had any to use in previous years. I got a really cute Christmas dress for only $5 (score!) and Emily looked so cute in it. It was really hard to put on her though. Once I got the thing on and was walking down the stairs she spit up all over it. I wiped it off and decided to continue with the picture taking. The problem with taking staged photos of Emily at that age was that she could not sit up unsupported yet. (She still cant totally but is getting better. So even though I put her under the tree you could not tell if I zoomed in enough to get her face. I found the best way to get a picture was to put her in the middle of her boppy. I put a white blanket over the boppy to make a good background The second issue I found was that she had just entered the chewing the hand phase. She also likes to suddenly move so I have tons of awesome smiley pictures where she is blurry. Slider was way better at posing so he earned a spot on the card :)

James had to work on Christmas eve so Emily and I hung around the house and cleaned bathrooms. Yep sounds exciting. Once daddy got home we had dinner (nothing fancy), watched some Christmas movies and then went to church. On the way home we drove through the neighborhoods and looked at Christmas lights. It was uneventful and wonderful at the same time. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best way to go.
Christmas morning was fun. Daddy fed Emily while Mommy opened everyone presents. We kept it small and only got her a few things she needed. We also told Santa that he did not have to go very big either so he got her a Sophie giraffe. Then we made breakfast and lazed around the house the rest of the day.
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Em in her jumperoo from Nana and Grandpa. She loves it but is still a little short :) |
My parents and sisters arrived the next day. James had to work. That left me making Christmas dinner alone while entertaining a baby. I hosted Thanksgiving this year but I had help cooking from my mother in law and my friend Molly. So this was the first time I did it on my own. I had to adjust the timing several times because my parents ended up driving through a blizzard. But everything turned out well and it did not take that much longer for them to get here.
All in all I think it was a great first Christmas for Emily and I look forward to even better ones as the years go on :)
First trip to the ER! AHHHH!
It happened one lovely Friday night. December 7th to be exact.
We were just hanging out snuggling before bed. Emily had spit up everywhere, which is a common occurrence here. When I changed her I only put on a onsie. I don't know why but I am glad that I did. While sitting around snuggling I started playing with her feet. I love baby feet. They are so cute and it is so fun to give them kisses.
Then I noticed it!
A hair tourniquet. Not just one but two. On two different toes. She was not upset so I was not hurting her yet. But I knew we needed to fix it right away.
Some of you are thinking. What the H is a hair tourniquet? I did not take any pictures of one on Emily because I was slightly distracted so here is the like to a wiki article about them. Here are pictures from the article. Basically it is when a thread or hair gets wrapped around a babies toe, finger and on boys even their testicles! It gets tighter and tighter until it cuts of circulation. If they are unable to get the hair or thread off they have to cut it by cutting skin and surgically removing it. If it is not caught in time the child can lose the appendage.
We caught Emily's really early and James went to work on getting them off. One fell right off but the other was more difficult. This resulted in horrible screaming and crying because as we were trying to get it off it was getting tighter. We called the pediatrician but just decided to get in the car and head to the ER.
We were lucky in that there was no one in the ER. It was completely empty and the pediatrician called ahead for us. They all fell in love with Emily and she was doing much better now and giving everyone smiles.
They looked and looked and were unable to find the hair. So after several hours and lots of screaming, we were sent home and told if it gets worse go to Children's. They didn't want us to go back there because she would need a pediatric surgeon. It was a little disconcerting to be sent home not knowing if things were going to get better or not.
After a few hours of sleep we checked it and it was better so it must have fallen off. We think when it broke when James was working on it but he did not see it come off. Now even a month later you can still see a little line from where it was but I am sure it will go away at some point.
We were just hanging out snuggling before bed. Emily had spit up everywhere, which is a common occurrence here. When I changed her I only put on a onsie. I don't know why but I am glad that I did. While sitting around snuggling I started playing with her feet. I love baby feet. They are so cute and it is so fun to give them kisses.
Then I noticed it!
A hair tourniquet. Not just one but two. On two different toes. She was not upset so I was not hurting her yet. But I knew we needed to fix it right away.
Courtesy of wikipedia |
From wikipedia: after being surgically removed. |
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Snuggling in between attempts to find the hair. |
We were lucky in that there was no one in the ER. It was completely empty and the pediatrician called ahead for us. They all fell in love with Emily and she was doing much better now and giving everyone smiles.
They looked and looked and were unable to find the hair. So after several hours and lots of screaming, we were sent home and told if it gets worse go to Children's. They didn't want us to go back there because she would need a pediatric surgeon. It was a little disconcerting to be sent home not knowing if things were going to get better or not.
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We were very hungry after all of that screaming. |
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The next morning. Only a little swelling :) |
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