Friday, January 18, 2013

You know your a parent....

You know you are a parent.....

....when the most common accessory in your wardrobe is spit up.

....when you are caught rocking without holding a newborn.

....when a date is a trip to Costco.

....when you get 5 continuous hours of sleep and its the best thing that has happened in months.

.... if you get in your car and automatically start singing "old mcdonald"

....if your favorite Christmas present was a baby stroller.

These are just a few little snippets. I will add more as they come to me.

1 comment:

  1. ..You have more baby food in your pantry than regular food..
    ..You've tried formula in your coffee when you ran out of milk..
    ...You wake up in the middle of the night, walk to the babies' room and realize that the baby isn't crying, you are just in the habit of feeding/changing/soothing the baby at this time of the night..
