I received a position as a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor at a local city recreation center. I started working the first week of the new year. The best part is that they have onsite child care that I can use. So I am timing my hours around the child care hours. The normal days I am completely fine because I have never left her there for more than 2 hours. But last weekend we had an open house and I worked for 5 hours. Emily stayed home with James but I was having a bit of a freak out. Silly right? That was the longest I had been away from her. It was not that I was worried about how James was going to take care of her. I knew they were going to be fine. James is a great dad and I never have to worry about that. It was more that I missed her. I am sure if I was doing something more fun and not working I would have been fine :)
I am really enjoying this location. I don't have any classes that I own yet but I am looking forward to getting one. The best part is that I can work out now. Of course I am cheap. If I am working out I have to pay for the child care for Emily. That means I am utilizing the track. They let you take strollers on the track. I started jogging this week because Emily is now big enough to use my nice stroller. I think I need to start picking races for motivation.
Oh this makes me so excited that you're jogging with the stroller! You should pic a holiday themed 5k or something - those are always relaxed and family friendly :)