Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Good-bye Teddy!

So this post is a little behind but wanted to share :)

Yes, I am one of those adults that sleeps with a teddy bear. I received this teddy bear as a birthday present from my husband on my 19th birthday. It replaced what I slept with at the time, yes I took my baby blanket to college and I am perfectly fine with that.

This teddy bear has been much loved. It used to be fluffy and have sparkles and a pretty bow. Now he looks worse for wear. James bought him from Giant. He has sense bought me many stuffed animals but this one was always the favorite.

James kept telling me once I had a baby I could not have stuffed animals anymore. I insisted he was wrong.

Turns out he was right. I don't like being wrong so don't tell James I admitted it.

When Emily first came home from the hospital she was in our room. I insisted on still sleeping with my teddy bear. After about 4 days I realized that I would mother the teddy bear in my sleep thinking it was Emily and be completely confused when she started crying. Go ahead and laugh.

Yep, I was rocking the bear and probably singing to it (James sleeps like a log so he cant tell me). I was dreaming about taking care of Emily to wake up confused and out of place because I thought I was already holding her.

I determined that this was not healthy.

So, teddy was retired. Though I kind of miss him.

ps: James does too. He used to steal him from me in my sleep and still tries but teddy is not there :)

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny! Makes me wonder if every other mother has gone through this and had to say goodbye to their long loved stuffed animal for the same reason :p
